On the occasion of World Oceans Day, 8th of June 2020 , the UNESCOWebinar “The Ocean’s past – Underwater Archaeology and Ocean Sciences” was organized in the frame work of the UN decade of Ocean science for sustainable Development (2021-2030) and aims to show that cultural heritage is an essential element for ocean research.
The moderator of this event was Emad Khalil, Alexandria University (Egypt) and member of UNESCO Scientific and Technical Advisory Body.
Speakers included Toufik Hamoum and Lazare Eloundou in the opening session. Lucy Blue and Fraser Sturt, University of Southampton, gave a talk about Ocean Science & Archaeology: integrated not separated – cutting edge projects show how archaeology is part of ocean science and vice versa, and Ulrike Guerin gave the second talk about Underwater Cultural Heritage – crucial element of Ocean Research and a chance for Ocean Literacy. Speakers also include Chris Underwood that gave a talk about “The Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Synergies, Partnerships”.
Then Andrew Viduka that talked about “Engaging the marine science community in underwater cultural heritage – tales. Afterwards, Kalliopi Baika talked about “A day on the beach: Working together on coastal environments -Interdisciplinary research, public engagement and coastal policies.” And finally Helena Barba Meinecke, who gave a talk about “Seeing the Underwater Cultural Heritage – human traces on the seabed” Then Antony Firth, and Athena Trakadas gaive a talk about “The Ocean Decade Heritage Network – joining hands for comprehensive research”. Afterwards, Ahmed El Shazly gave a talk about “Marine Science in the Context of Archaeology” and Abner Alberda talked about “Heritage and environment – an interrelation”.